Creatine is a member of the guanidine phosphagen family 1,2 and is a naturally occurring nitrogen-containing compound found primarily in red meat and fish. 3–6 It is also processed and manufactured into a dietary supplement and used by a variety of exercising and athletic populations (i.e., athletes, aging adults). 2,7 Creatine is one of the most popular dietary supplement ingredients in the sports 268nutrition segment of the over $40-billion global sports nutrition market. 8 Creatine is considered a non-essential nutrient since it can be produced within the human body, and through endogenous production and supplementation, muscle creatine supports high-intensity muscle actions during exercise and athletic performance. Beyond muscle performance, creatine has been shown to have some additional nutraceutical applications, while at the same time there are often questions related to safety. In this chapter, we will review the production of creatine in the body, availability in foods and supplements, and therapeutic applications.