This chapter provides an invaluable introduction to advanced image/laser-based reality computing technologies which include laser scanning, photogrammetry, and reality computing. This chapter presents an overview of laser scanning and 3D modelling devices, modes of delivery and applications within the architecture, engineering, construction and owner-operated (AECO) sector. Examples of applications within contemporary digital AECO practice are used to illustrate the asset monitoring process and how image/laser based reality computing can augment daily operations within Construction 4.0. Extant literature provides raw material for investigative, qualitative discussions on optoelectronic developments in an Industry 4.0 context. Specifically, a synthesis of published research is used to develop: discussion on the hierarchy of the modes of delivery for laser scan devices; a thematic analysis of 3D terrestrial laser scan technology applications; and a componential cross-comparative tabulation of laser scan technology and specifications. Typical practical applications covered include: i) construction progress tracking – to monitor real time progress of works being undertaken during the construction phase of a building’s development; ii) quality control assessment – for example, to monitor the structural health and condition of major building elements; iii) site activity and safety monitoring – to ensure a safe and productive construction site and building in use; and iv) resource and material tracking – to maximize materials, human, and transportation logistics on and around site/the building. The chapter reveals a projection into the future of optoelectronic device deployment in digital built environment achieving Construction 4.0 automation. Emanating from current limitation of costly and labor intensive attributes of laser scanning devices which in turn have stimulated the development of automated and intelligent technologies to combine and improve performance. Such hybrid technological developments are set to fully meet the increasing demand for digitization of both existing and new buildings into BIM. This chapter presents concise and lucid reference guidance that will intellectually challenge, and better inform, both students, practitioners, and researchers on the rapid coalescence of optoelectronic devices and technologies that will provide an optimal and cost-effective solution in a Construction 4.0 transition.