Many different cognitive research approaches have been generated to explore fields of practice where mutual teamwork is present and emergent. Results have shown subtle yet significant findings on how humans actually work together and when they transition from their own individual roles and niches into elements of teamwork and team-to-team work.

Fields of Practice and Applied Solutions within Distributed Team Cognition explores the advantages of teams and shows how researchers can obtain a deep understanding of users/teams that are entrenched in a particular field. Interdisciplinary perspectives and transformative intersections are provided.


  • Delineates contextual nuances of socio-technical environments as influencers of team cognition
  • Provides quantitative/qualitative perspectives of distributed team cognition by demonstrating in situ interactions
  • Reviews applied teamwork for fields of practice in medicine, cybersecurity, education, aviation, and manufacturing
  • Generates practical examples of distributed work and how cognition develops across teams using technologies
  • Specifies applied solutions through technologies such as robots, agents, games, and social networks

1. Wrapping Team Members’ Heads around Managing Virtual Team-Related Paradoxes 2. Stabilizing Digital Infrastructures in Distributed Social Science Collaboration 3. Collaborative Board Games as Authentic Assessments of Professional Practices, Including Team Cognition and Other 21st-Century Soft Skills 4. Improving Situation Awareness in Social Unrest Using Twitter: A Methodological Approach 5. Situation Awareness in Medical Teamwork 6. Team Dynamics of Cybersecurity: Challenges and Opportunities for Team Cognition 7. Distributed Cognition and Human-Co-Robot Manufacturing Teams: Issues in Design and Implementation 8. Subsidiary and Polycentric Control: Implications for Interface Design 9. The Cognitive Wingman: Considerations for Trust, Humanness, and Ethics When Developing and Applying AI Systems