In the last couple of decades, there has been a tremendous growth in using randomness as a powerful source of computation. Incorporating randomness in computation often results in a much simpler and more easily implementable algorithms. A number of problem domains, ranging from sorting to stringology, from graph theory to computational geometry, from parallel processing system to ubiquitous internet, have benefited from randomization in terms of newer and elegant algorithms. In this chapter we shall see how randomness can be used as a powerful tool for designing simple and efficient data structures. Solving a real-life problem often involves manipulating complex data objects by variety of operations. We use abstraction to arrive at a mathematical model that represents the real-life objects and convert the real-life problem into a computational problem working on the mathematical entities specified by the model. Specifically, we define Abstract Data Type (ADT) as a mathematical model together with a set of operations defined on the entities of the model. Thus, an algorithm for a computational problem will be expressed in terms of the steps involving the corresponding ADT operations. In order to arrive at a computer based implementation of the algorithm, we need to proceed further taking a closer look at the possibilities of implementing the ADTs. As programming languages support only a very small number of built-in types, any ADT that is not a built-in type must be represented in terms of the elements from built-in type and this is where the data structure plays a critical role. One major goal in the design of data structure is to render the operations of the ADT as efficient as possible. Traditionally, data structures were designed to minimize the worst-case costs of the ADT operations. When the worst-case efficient data structures turn out to be too complex and cumbersome to implement, we naturally explore alternative design goals. In one of such design goals, we seek to minimize the total cost of a sequence of operations as opposed to the cost of individual operations. Such data structures are said to be designed for minimizing the amortized costs of operations. Randomization provides yet another avenue for exploration. Here, the goal will be to limit the expected costs of operations and ensure that costs do not exceed certain threshold limits with overwhelming probability.