A variety of air pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere from human-caused and natural emissions sources throughout the United States and elsewhere. These contaminants impact sensitive natural resources in wilderness, including the national parks. The system of national parks in the United States is among our greatest assets. This book provides a compilation and synthesis of current scientific understanding regarding the causes and effects of these pollutants within national park lands. It describes pollutant emissions, deposition, and exposures; it identifies the critical (tipping point) loads of pollutant deposition at which adverse impacts are manifested.

List of Figures. List of Tables. Preface. Acronyms and Abbreviations. Acknowledgments. Author. Introduction. Pollutant Exposure. Impacts. Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Appalachian Highlands Network. Shenandoah National Park and the Mid-Atlantic Network. Acadia National Park and the Northeast Temperate Network. South Florida/Caribbean Network. Great Lakes Network. Mammoth Cave National Park and the Cumberland Piedmont Network. Northern Colorado Plateau Network. The Grand Canyon and the Southern Colorado Plateau Network. Coast and Cascades Network. Klamath Network. Hawaii. Mojave Desert. Chihuahuan Desert. Sierra Nevada Network. Rocky Mountain and Glacier National Parks. Greater Yellowstone Network. Denali National Park and Central Alaska Network. Arctic Network Parks. Southeastern Alaska Network. Index.