Shelter for humans, in the form of housing, is essential for survival. In developed countries, it is often seen as a place of habitation and of wealth creation (Logan and Molotch, 2007). However, in the use, construction and adaptation of housing, there is significant environmental impact (Bardhan et al., 2014). Australian housing contributes around 20 percent to greenhouse gas emissions (Your Home, 2013). This chapter considers environmental issues from the perspective of real estate markets and, as market facilitators, real estate agents. It does so from an Australian perspective from one of its most populated states, Victoria. Given the access to the market agents have, they should be aware of the importance of sustainability measures in the housing market. In addition, given their position of influence, it is conceivable that they can influence the market in a positive way. This chapter explore this relationship and whether sustainability is important in the Victorian residential real estate markets.