This chapter covers the geographical region of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula as illustrated in Figure 16.1 and the North African countries which border the Mediterranean. There have been few, if any, published reports of ASR in this region, though it is known that some of the aggregate sources contain materials which are potentially reactive (French & Poole, 1976; Sims & Poole, 1977). Many specifications take this into account and require aggregates to be tested for alkali-reactivity potential and in some cases there are requirements to limit alkali content of mixes or to include materials such as pozzolanas or microsilica in order to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of a damaging reaction. The Levant and the Arabian Peninsula after Kay <italic>et al</italic>. (<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref16_42">1982</xref>) (with permission of the Concrete Society). https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-u.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781315708959/9b8a5864-b274-40ac-a10f-61840f790e0c/content/fig16_1.jpg"/>