For centuries, people around the world have used fermentation to preserve and enhance the flavor of a wide variety of foods. Today, complex interactions of microbiota in the digestive tract are found to influence proper digestion, metabolism, and disease resistance. With greater emphasis on natural products and the role of food in health and wellbe

The History of Feremented Foods. Challenges Associated with the Development of Probiotic-Containing Functional Foods. The Properties of Enterococcus faecium and the Fermented Milk Product- Gaio. Kefir-A Fermented Milk Product. Yogurt and Immunity: The Health Benefits of Fermented Milk Products That Contain Lactic Acid Bacteria. Health Properties of Milk Fermented with Lactobacillus. Casei strain Shirota (LcS).Biologically Active Peptides Released in Fermented Milk: Role and Functions. Cheese and Its Potential As a Probiotic Food. Natto: A Soybean Food Made by Fermenting Cooked Soybeans with Bacillus subtilis (natto). Fermented Meat. Miso: Production, Properties, and Benefits to Health. Korean Fermented Foods: Kimchi and Doenjang. Lactobacillus plantarum: The Role in Foods and in Human mHealth. Sauerkraut. New Trends of Table Olive Processing for Quality Control and Functional Proprieties. Traditional Chinese Fermented Foods. Tempeh: A Mold-Modified Indigenous Fermented Food. Thai Fermented Foods: Microorganisms and Their Health Benefits. Production of Probiotic Cultures and Their Addition in Fermented Foods. The Future for Fermented Foods. Index.