Cleaner technology or production implies that changes in the processes are made within a production plant with the result that the emitted pollution is reduced. When the industries are forced to reduce their discharge of pollutants, they are of course considering either to apply a cost-moderate treatment method for their waste or the alternative—to change the production to application of methods that would imply a reduction of the discharge of pollutants. Major advantages are inherent in this approach that can benefit the producer. Aside from reducing the expenses of fees for creating pollution, considerable savings of energy, water, and various materials used in the production process may also be obtained. There are numerous examples on a change of the production methods—both major changes and minor changes—may imply not only reduced discharge of pollutants but also saving of production costs for instance by introduction of recycling. So, the interest in this method for the industries is primarily the possibilities to save considerable amounts of money, although its value in helping solve environmental problems also plays a role.