What would you do if you found a container with a skull and crossbones on it or an image of a bomb exploding? For most people, these symbols would indicate that something dangerous was in the container, but it is important to know what they mean.

These two symbols, along with several others, represent forms of hazardous waste, which is any solid or liquid waste that is considered toxic, chemically reactive, flammable, or corrosive. In terms of hazardous waste, something is considered toxic if it is harmful to human health when a person is exposed to the substance through inhalation, ingestion, or touch.

A substance is chemically reactive if it is unstable or could react when exposed to another compound. Hazardous waste that is considered chemically reactive is likely to explode or produce harmful fumes when exposed to other compounds. A flammable substance is anything that is likely to catch fire, and a corrosive substance is something that can corrode, or break down, metals.