As schools move toward including more students with disabilities into general education classrooms, the need to reform the instructional methods used to support both students and teachers (McLeskey, Landers, Hoppey, & Williamson, 2011) is not in debate. There is a collective call for reform in both general and special education to include evidence-based practices that are interactive, multimodal, collaborative, dynamic, and real-world (e.g., Council for Exceptional Children [CEC], 2007; Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA], 2004; National Council of Teachers of English [NCTE], 2005; National Commission on Teachers of Math [NCTM], 2008; National Science Teachers Association [NSTA], 2004; No Child Left Behind Act [NCLB], 2001). Yet, despite shared goals, there remains a mismatch between the learning needs of students and the traditional instructional delivery methods actually used in classrooms (Kennedy & Ihle, 2012). Although fi ndings in the How Teaching Matters report of 2000 demonstrated that students’ test scores on standardized assessments were higher if teachers individualized and differentiated their instruction (Pearl & Miller, 2007), research shows that teachers continue to use traditional, whole-group teaching methods even as classes become more diverse and more inclusive of students with disabilities (Kennedy & Ihle, 2012; King-Sears & Bowman-Kruhm, 2011).