Researching new technologies, such as the Internet and mobile phones, or the new and diverse ways in which traditional media such as television are used together with online and mobile communication devices, calls for a discussion of methodology. The routinization and convergence of new media through increased use and access to a variety of new technologies which themselves ‘melt together’ raise a series of new questions and require a rethinking of how to represent the audience, in this case, when the audience happens to be children. This chapter draws on empirical studies in a Norwegian context, done from 1999 to 2005. As this field of study has changed and expanded, this also applies to researchers from a variety

of disciplines. As Lievrouw and Livingstone argue:

[T]he inextricably linked phenomena of information, communication and mediation are no longer the sole province of communication research and a few related specialties; today they are the focus of intense interest and study across the social sciences, arts and humanities.