Today, sport fandom is no longer exclusively a man’s world. Extraordinary social changes have allowed girls and women to become not only involved in, but also essential to, the sport industry. This chapter examines the consumer behavior of female sport fans from a feminist viewpoint. This includes a review of the importance and definition of the female sport fan within the context of the cultural shifts that have led to increased opportunities for women to consume sport. Then, the stereotypes associated with female sport fandom are identified and discussed to illustrate the misconceptions that exist. Finally, by presenting literature on the similarities and differences between female and male sport fans, we hope to provide a better understanding of this customer segment while providing implications for sport organizations, many of which are currently failing to properly address the needs of and capitalize on the potential revenue stream of female sport fans. Finally, we propose that the use of data analytics will prove valuable in the future for drawing insights and understanding the consumer behavior of female sport fans without the bias of gender stereotypes.