Several core ideas became clear as we reflected on the primary takeaways drawn from the culmination of all 41 chapters comprising this book. First, the deficit perspective and long-held limiting beliefs that have plagued women’s sport need to be replaced by a fact-based perspective that relies on data showing the significant opportunity awaiting those who choose to invest in women’s sport. Although the challenges that remain are daunting and unique in that they are not challenges for mainstream men’s sport, we believe these challenges can be overcome. Key takeaways include the opportunity to further utilize women athletes as endorsers for products and brands, and for brands to expand their presence in women’s sport through partnerships and sponsorships, recognition that people, not just women, are interested in women’s sport – there is a market for it! Scholars and educators have largely ignored women as sport consumers, women’s sport as a product, and the market potential of women athletes. Women are still excluded to a large extent in sport media coverage, which diminishes the value proposition for women athletes and sponsors. Last, there is a greater need for women faculty in sport management academic programs, as well as a greater need for research focused on women’s sport. Perhaps the most important takeaway from this entire compilation is the notion that sport management programs can affect a significant and meaningful cultural shift by educating students about women’s sport, and the possibilities that exist working in women’s sport, conducting research on women’s sport, and changing the practices that have limited women athletes and women’s sport for too long. Education is the key to real change, and to a more equitable future. By implementing an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the business of women’s sport, this Handbook delivered a contemporary view of the “state of women’s sport” from a business perspective. The future of women’s sport and women athletes will increasingly look very different. We invite readers to consider each of our takeaways and commit to doing their part to advance opportunities for women’s sport and women in sport.