As the field of sport management evolves, it is imperative that our discipline keeps pace of leading and crucial management concepts and practice. Of note the re-emergence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in theory and practice in mainstream “business” has particularly important implications for sport management study. As such, CSR should be well-incorporated into educational offerings and expectations as we prepare the next generation of sport management professionals, as related concepts are crucial for sound sport management practice. This chapter approaches “CSR in sport” education from a holistic mindset, borrowing from accepted and common CSR business practice; while acknowledging the unique and important sport business landscape. Underpinning each concept and understanding, is the importance of sustainability and authenticity – in our related teaching, learning and application to the sport context. The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of “CSR in sport” as related to educational programming and offerings for higher education programs worldwide. This chapter will review key definitions of the CSR concepts for undergraduate and graduate sport management and related students; will overview best practices for teaching related concepts; and will include recommended course requirements, materials and evaluation tools to maximize the related CSR concepts and learning for sport management study and practice.