Tide's North America's core principles indude a commitment "to Earth-centered, communitybased solutions to the climate crisis that foster local autonomy and self-sufficiency.'" They focus on opposition to market-oriented climate measures, such as tradable emissions permits and offsets, along with technological "false solutions" to the climate crisis such as nudear power and mega-hydro dams, encouraging autonomous, nonviolent direct actions to challenge these developments. R TNA has perhaps most influenced climate activists in the US through its publications, especially the popular critical pamphlets, 'The Copenhagen Climate Talks: Deal or No Deal' (2009), 'The Climate Movement Is Dead: Long Live the Climate Movement' (2010), and 'Hoodwinked in the Hothouse: False Solutions to Climate Change' (2010).2 During 2011, it produced a regular newsletter titled 'Burning Issues,' and has since relied mainlyon electronic updates to report on actions and convey its critical outlook on dimate issues.