Psychiatry in Law/Law in Psychiatry, 2nd Edition, is a sweeping, up-to-date examination of the infiltration of psychiatry into law and the growing intervention of law into psychiatry. Unmatched in breadth and coverage, and thoroughly updated from the first edition, this comprehensive text and reference is an essential resource for psychiatry residents, law students, and practitioners alike.

Psychiatry in Law. Part I: Expert Testimony. Experts in the Adversary System. Obligations and Responsibilities of Lawyers and Experts. Restrictions on Expert Testimony. Holding the Expert Accountable. Part II: Evidentiary Issues. Testimonial Privilege. Witnesses and the Credibility of Testimony. Propensity and Other Acts Evidence. Syndrome Evidence. The Role of Psychiatric Diagnosis in the Law. Part III: Criminal Cases. Competency to Stand Trial and Other Competencies. Criminal Responsibility. Diminished Capacity. Juvenile Justice. Imposing and Carrying Out of the Death Penalty. Measurement of Evil. Part IV: Sexual Deviation. Sex Offender Legislation. Homosexuality: From Condemnation to Celebration. Part V: Civil Cases. Tort Liability of the Mentally Incompetent and Their Caretakers. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Workers' Compensation. Duty to Minimize Damages. Child Custody. Contractual Capacity. Testamentary Capacity. Law in Psychiatry. Part I: Hospitalization of the Mentally Ill. Civil Commitment. Failure to Treat and Related Issues. Part II: Psychiatric Malpractice. Malpractice, Nonmedical Negligence, or Breach of Contract? Establishing Malpractice Liability. An Overview of Psychiatric Malpractice. Admission or Apology in Liability Prevention. Breach of Confidentiality. Informed Consent. Contributory Fault of the Patient in a Malpractice Action. The Boundary Violation of Undue Familiarity. Experimentation and Clinical Trials. Suicide. Duty of Therapists to Third Parties. Regulation of the Practice of Psychotherapy. Indices.