Depression is the leading mental health burden worldwide, 2 and women are at particular risk of depression, with prevalence rates ranging from one to three times that of men. 3 Growing epidemiological evidence from around the world shows that poverty and mental illness, including depression, interact in a negative spiral, especially for women in low-income countries where cultures and norms are more patriarchal, gender roles more restrictive, and gender inequalities more pervasive. Although the link between poverty and depression is well established, 4 few interventions exist to break this cycle. This chapter will provide background on the link between depression and poverty, and describe how the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and particularly SDG3 which is focused on health and wellbeing, might be met through community-based interventions that address both poverty and mental health. A number of innovative programmes developed in Vietnam will be reviewed, and lessons learned from the implementation of these programmes will be discussed.