Now, after four years of hard work as technical manager of the construction site of the copper factory “G. Damjanov” in Pirdop, I started my new job – at the Kremikovci metallurgical combine. A few years ago there was already talk of the construction of this giant of our metal industry and I impatiently longed for the day when I would start work on its construction, and behind me I had almost ten years of construction work as a technical manager, exclusively on national construction sites […]. And so … passed the first day of construction of MK Kremikovci. I lay down in a hard bed and imagined in my thoughts how in the next few years hundreds of machines will resound in this endless plain, how thousands of construction workers will come, and with joint efforts factory halls and factories will rise up, how the smokestacks will smoke and how the enormous heart of the giant MK Kremikovci, which I have so far only seen on plans, will beat, but … let’s see what tomorrow will bring.