Relying on the experiential approach, this chapter aims to provide a case study seeking to deepen the body of knowledge about the relationships that exist between experiential value dimensions (functional social, emotional and altruistic), overall perceived value and loyalty in the hotel sector. The case study is developed based on a sample of 300 Italian guests with a hotel accommodation in Sardinia (Italy). Findings confirm the coexistence of experiential value dimensions in the consumption experience and their cumulative effects on behavioral outcomes. Specifically, social value and altruistic value are found to be stronger antecedents of loyalty than of overall value. Two effects are rejected, namely: altruistic on overall value and functional on loyalty. Overall, findings show that the direct influences of value experiential dimensions on loyalty, although existing, are rather weak. Findings suggest that hospitality marketers should assess how guests feel about their experience of service delivery and should consider this knowledge for designing and planning their businesses.