The role of interaction with host nationals in promoting sojourners’ intercultural adjustment has been discussed in depth. However, two other types of communication have been neglected in intercultural communication studies. One is sojourners’ communication with their co-ethnics and the other with their international fellows (international students from other countries). The former has not received enough attention due to the assumption that it assumes a weaker role in facilitating sojourners’ acculturation with their re-location to another culture. Some studies even argue that communication with co-ethnics will hinder sojourners’ intercultural adjustment in the long run. The latter, for a long time, has not been thoroughly examined due to the dualistic thinking that only pays attention to sojourners’ social interaction with their co-ethnics and with host nationals. Focusing on sojourning students’ communication with their co-ethnics and international fellows, this chapter will argue that these two types of communication can contribute to sojourning students’ acculturation in host cultures by providing social support.