The Routledge Companion to Smart Cities explores the question of what it means for a city to be ‘smart’, raises some of the tensions emerging in smart city developments and considers the implications for future ways of inhabiting and understanding the urban condition. The volume draws together a critical and cross-disciplinary overview of the emerging topic of smart cities and explores it from a range of theoretical and empirical viewpoints.

This timely book brings together key thinkers and projects from a wide range of fields and perspectives into one volume to provide a valuable resource that would enable the reader to take their own critical position within the topic. To situate the topic of the smart city for the reader and establish key concepts, the volume sets out the various interpretations and aspects of what constitutes and defines smart cities. It investigates and considers the range of factors that shape the characteristics of smart cities and draws together different disciplinary perspectives. The consideration of what shapes the smart city is explored through discussing three broad ‘parts’ – issues of governance, the nature of urban development and how visions are realised – and includes chapters that draw on empirical studies to frame the discussion with an understanding not just of the nature of the smart city but also how it is studied, understood and reflected upon.

The Companion will appeal to academics and advanced undergraduates and postgraduates from across many disciplines including Urban Studies, Geography, Urban Planning, Sociology and Architecture, by providing state of the art reviews of key themes by leading scholars in the field, arranged under clearly themed sections.

1. Introduction  Part 1: Smart City Governance  Section 1: Urban governance, data and participatory infrastructure  2. A City is Not Computer (with Editorial Introduction)  3. Bias in Urban Research: From Tools to Environments  4. Urban Science: Prospect and Critique  5. Defining Smart Cities: High and Low Frequency Cities, Big Data and Urban Theory  6. Digital information and the right to the city  7. Shaping participatory public data infrastructure in the smart city: open data standards and the turn to transparency  Section 2: Governing, inclusion and smart citizens  8. Towards an agenda of place, local agency-based and inclusive smart urbanism  9. Governmentality and urban control  10. How smart is Smart City Lagos?  11. Smart Citizens in Amsterdam: An Alternative to the Smart City  12. Governing Technology-based Urbanism: Technocratic Governance or Progressive Planning?  Part 2: Smart City Development  Section 1: Creative, smart or sustainable?  13. Will the real smart city please stand up? Intelligent, progressive or entrepreneurial? (with Editorial Introduction)  14. Smart to green: smart eco-cities in the green economy  15. Towards ethical legibility - an inclusive view of waste technologies  16. Stand Up Please, the Real Sustainable Smart City?  Section 2: Section Two: Citizen Science and Coproduction  17. Sharing in smart cities: What are we missing out on?  18. Taxonomy of Environmental Sensing in Smart Cities  19. Co-creating Sociable Smart City Futures  Part 3: Smart City Visions  Section 1: Urban planning, city models and smart storytelling  20. Smart cities as corporate storytelling (with Editorial Introduction)  21. Will the real smart city please make itself visible? 22. From Hybrid Spaces to “Imagination Cities”. A Speculative Approach to Virtual Reality  23. The Museum in the Smart City: The Role of Cultural Institutions in Co-creating Urban Imaginaries  Section 2: Cities and placemaking  24. The hackable city: exploring collaborative citymaking in a network society  25. Designing the city as a place or a product? how space is marginalised in the smart city  26. Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technologies – Smart Cities and Real-time Data  27. Reimagining urban infrastructure through design and experimentation: autonomous boat technology in the canals of Amsterdam  28. The Death and Life of Smart Cities