Aurel Kolnai (1900–1973) is best known for his political and moral writings, but he also chiefly contributed to the phenomenology of the emotions. In a series of papers between 1929 and 1935 devoted to hostile and aversive emotions and, in particular, to disgust, haughty pride, fear, and hatred, Kolnai presents his most comprehensive views on the affective life and its ethical significance (Kolnai 2007; see also Kolnai 1998). Scattered discussions on the emotions can also be found in an early paper written on Scheler and under the influence of psychoanalysis (1925), in his dissertation Der ethische Wert und die Wirklichkeit (Ethical Value and Reality) (1927), which is his first phenomenological writing, and in later papers “On the Concept of the Interesting” (1964) and “The Concept of Hierarchy” (1971).