The deluge in Chennai in the month of November and December in 2015 has brought severe devastation to the city and necessitated the social work profession to reconsider its roles and responses by evolving appropriate models like the community-based disaster preparedness model. This model can be emulated with similar situations elsewhere, which was proved to be successful in other countries (Hossain 2012). Social work has a significant and responsible role to play in such disasters. According to NASW Code of Ethics, ‘Social workers should provide appropriate professional services in public emergencies to the greatest extent possible’ (NASW, 1999). Though volunteers did an incredible job during the relief work, there was lack of coordination among government, NGOs and volunteers. To overcome this problem, a model for practice needs to be developed. The authors undertook a research study to examine the role of social workers in disasters to supplement those existing in the Community Based Disaster Preparedness and Response Model. Additionally, there is need for sustainable development with proper urban planning to manage disasters. The link between green social work and disaster relief work is brought out in this chapter.