Throughout the 1990s, the Western Balkans was a region of geopolitical dispute as the former Republic of Yugoslavia was violently fragmented by a turbulent war. Focusing on Serbia, the war negatively affected the country’s national image and deterred international visitors, causing the country to rapidly stagnate. In Novi Sad, images of destroyed infrastructure, bombings and international interventions were conveyed to global audiences through the media. Conflict left Novi Sad city and much of Serbia in a state of despair, thus deterring visitors. International audiences consumed negative images of Serbia as a country with much violence and political corruption, thereby projecting fearful imaginations and left the country isolated. In 2000 a youth-led movement began in Novi Sad as a response to the atrocities in Serbia throughout the 1990s. The Exit Movement, which led to the Exit Festival, was organised by students from the University of Novi Sad. During this time, youths gathered to protest against the policies of then Serbian president, Slobodan Milošević (see Rogel 2004). The Exit Festival has become synonymous with Novi Sad, Serbia, and has gained further international recognition being awarded ‘Best Major European Festival’ in 2013. The Exit brand was extended with the commencement of the Sea Dance Festival in 2014 (and soon after was awarded ‘Best Mid-Sized European Festival’ in 2015). The Sea Dance Festival became an instant success, despite the foundations of the Exit Movement being one based on narratives of struggle, protest and democracy. It is the successful relationship between these two festivals, held in neighbouring countries, and the possible lost opportunities for Serbian tourism as a result, that form the focus of this chapter.