Feminism in the context of festivals from a Western perspective has been examined across disciplines but rarely synthesised within the festival studies literature. Within the leisure studies literature, there has been a more substantive examination, and the distancing of ‘event management’ (within which festival studies often sits) as an area of study from leisure studies, we suggest, has led to a lack of engagement with this literature. For example, Aitchison’s (1999, 2000) work is rarely drawn on in events (exceptions of work which cite these works include: Browne 2009; Finkel & Matheson 2015), and the work of Watson and Scraton (2011) on thinking intersectionally in leisure studies has only been cited in relation to sport rather than ‘events management’ explicitly. We contend that lack of engagement with these concepts is a missed opportunity in thinking critically about festivals in relation to intersectional feminism.