Climate change is an important issue due to its significant impacts on human lives and society (Ng, Chen, Cahoon, Brooks, and Yang, 2013; Wu and Ji, 2013). Existing studies show that over the past century, the climate of the Earth has undergone significant changes (Wu and Ji, 2013), this is and arguably the main factor contributing to temperature and sea level rise, as well as more frequent superstorms, all of which cause a significant impact on the natural system and human society (Bierling and Lorented, 2008; Wu and Ji, 2013). Also, such impact causes significant economic loss and even loss of life in many countries, including China (National Development and Reform Commission, 2016; Wu and Ji, 2013). Needless to say, economic loss is also generated due to poor infrastructure replacement or repair, and other operational maintenance (Ng et al., 2013, 2016).