The recent reawakening of religiosity in the world as whole and in Asia in particular has led to a significant increase in the number of people who claim to have a faith even in countries such as the People’s Republic of China and Vietnam where the practice of religion was suppressed for many years. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of scholars from various disciplines and sparked a raft of macro level and politically oriented studies, but there is very little academic research on the impact of religion and religiosity on management practice. Studies on the relationship between religious beliefs, organizational behavior, managerial practices, and organizational outcomes are still scarce, as already pointed out by Tayeb (1997), Abuznaid (2006), Schwartz (2006), Mellahi and Budhwar (2010), and Razimi, Noor, and Daud (2014). Much of the debate over the rise of religiosity and spirituality as a form of personal identity has focused on the effects of religion at the national rather than the organizational and workplace levels, and has been concerned with the negative aspects of religious extremism rather than on the positive implications of religious enlightenment on work and employee relations.