This collection brings together cutting-edge work by established and emerging scholars focusing on key societies in the East Asian region: China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, North and South Korea, Mongolia and Vietnam. This scope enables the collection to reflect on the nature of the transformations in constructions of sexuality in highly developed, developing and emerging societies and economies.

Both Japan and China have established traditions of ‘sexuality’ studies reflecting longstanding indigenous understandings of sex as well as more recent developments which interface with Euro-American medical and psychological understandings. Authors reflect upon the complex colonial and economic interactions and cultural flows which have affected the East Asian region over the last two centuries. They trace local flows of ideas instead of defaulting to Euro-American paradigms for sexuality studies.

Through looking at regional and global exchanges of ideas about sexuality, this volume adds considerably to our understanding of the East Asian region and contributes to wider discussions of social transformation, modernisation and globalisation. It will be essential reading in undergraduate and graduate programs in sexuality studies, gender studies, women’s studies and masculinity studies, as well as in anthropology, sociology, history, cultural studies, area studies and health sciences.

Introduction: Framing Sexuality Studies in East Asia  Part 1: Sexualities in a Transnational Frame  1. Transnational Sexual Politics in East Asia  2. Transnational Queer Sinophone Cultures  3. Marriage Migration in East Asia  4. Militarised Sexualities in East Asia  Part 2: Love, Sex and Marriage  5. The Demand for a Normal Life: Marriage and its Discontents in Contemporary China  6. Constructions of Marriage and Sexuality in Modern Korea  7. Life as Lived and Life as Talked about: Family, Love and Marriage in Twenty-First Century Vietnam  8. Marriage, Family and Sexuality in North Korea  Part 3: Sexual Politics  9. What’s Law Got to Do with it? Sex and Gender Diversity in East Asia  10. Youth and Sexuality in China: A Century of Revolutionary Change  11. Nationalism, Sexuality and Dissidence in Mongolia  12. The Women’s Liberation Movement and Sexuality in Japan  13. The Fourth Wave? A Critical Reflection on the Tongzhi Movement in Hong Kong  Part 4: Sexual Subcultures and Communities  14. Otaku Sexuality in Japan  15. Lesbian Spaces in Hong Kong  16. Queer Women’s Culture and History in Japan  17. Sexual Minority Studies on Japan  18. Homosexuality and Transgenderism in Vietnam  Part 5: Sex Work  19. Sex Work in China  20. The Sex Industry in Japan: The Dangers of Invisibility  21. The History of Sex Work in Korea  22. Risks and Resiliency of Women Engaged in Sex Work in Mongolia  23. Negotiating Masculinities: Taiwanese Men’s Use of Commercial Sex  Part 6: Sexual Health  24. Regional Responses to the HIV-AIDS Epidemic  25. The Politics of Sexual Health in Vietnam  26. Untangling HIV in China: Social, Political, Economic, and Global-Local Factors  27. Sexuality and Aging in East Asia  Part 7: Pornography and Censorship  28. Regulating Online Pornography in Mainland China and Hong Kong  29. Sex, Censorship and Media Regulation in Japan: An Historical Overview  30. Japanese Adult Videos in Taiwan and Hong Kong