Sport science testing is a visible element in many contemporary, high-level sporting programmes. The pace of technological advancements and innovation in sport science has greatly expanded the reach of sport science testing. Athlete testing that used to occur primarily in the laboratory can now be undertaken with a high degree of accuracy and precision in training and competition venues. With rapid advancements in digital technology, results can be obtained almost anywhere and transmitted instantaneously worldwide for processing, analysis and interpretation, and providing feedback for athletes and coaches. Sport science testing is undertaken for several purposes: to monitor short- and long-term changes in fitness and performance; to profile game and competition demands, for talent identification, selection, and development programmes; for prescription and evaluation of training drills, activities, and sessions; to assist the rehabilitation of athletes after illness, injury, or a lay-off; for observational or experimental research; to target a specific performance area needing special consideration (special projects); and occasionally for education of athletes, coaches, and support staff.