Creativity has been regarded as one of the key abilities leading to success in this dynamic society. A recent consensus regarding creativity is that originality (novelty) and appropriateness (usefulness or value) are two indicators of a creative product (Mayer, 1999, Yeh, 2011). To ensure originality or novelty, it has been proposed that appropriateness and convergent thinking, as well as divergent and productive thinking, are necessary for creativity (Dineen, Samuel, & Livesey, 2005); moreover, creative production requires both imagination and divergent thinking, which is based on knowledge-based thought (Cropley, 2006; Gabora & Kaufman, 2010). Knowledge management (KM), which emphasizes the competencies of knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing, knowledge internalization, and knowledge creation (Yeh, 2012), may provide an effective approach for building a knowledge base for creativity.