Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) face threats, both external and internal (Gretzel et al. 2006). Stakeholders of DMOs are demanding more accountability than ever before from their colleagues (Gretzel et al. 2006). Increasingly, DMOs have to justify their marketing budgets to their funding organizations. The funding organizations want clear evidence that the funds they provide for marketing are achieving their objectives. Tourism marketing campaign objectives need to be quantifi able, realistic, achievable, relevant and time specifi c. A critical factor in determining the success or otherwise of DMOs’ marketing campaigns is deciding what the key performance indicators (KPI) should be, fi nding the right benchmarks and deciding on what techniques or methods should be used in their evaluation. A recent study by Williams et al. (2012) among Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA) members found that the performance of destination marketing/management strategies ranked second as a research priority area. Both academics and practitioners want to identify the strategies and programs that contribute to long term sustainable growth of tourism destinations. In terms of research into evaluation methods, the study by Williams and colleagues found the second-most priority area for a better understanding was return-on-investment. For practitioners, this area had the highest ranking. There is a clear desire to estimate the (predominantly economic) benefi ts of a marketing campaign and compare them with the costs of implementing the campaign.